Preliminary Agenda:
For a detailed agenda, please head to the download tab to access the PDF version.
Saturday 23rd March:
8:00: Registrations
08.30: Introduction to cardiac MRI in practice
09.00: Relatively easy MRI Physics and Safety
09.45: MRI Safety Considerations for CMR
10.30: Sponsor Presentation
10.40: Morning Tea
11.00: MRI for structure and function
11.45: Aortic disease, flow and valvular heart disease
12.30: Lunch
13.15: Sponsor Presentation
13.25: Ischaemic heart disease
14.10: MINOCA
14.40: Perfusion
15.10: Sponsor Presentation
15.20: Afternoon tea
15.40: ARVD (Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia) & ACM (Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy)
16.10: Amyloid: Role of MRI in Guiding Diagnosis and Management
16.30: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
16.55: Cardiac MRI in Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy
Sunday 24th March
8.30: Congenital heart disease
9.00: Masses and tumours
10.15: CMR in (Australian) practice
10.45: Sponsor presentation
10.55: Morning Tea
11.15: Live Scanning and Workstation Rotations
12.30: Live Scanning and Workstation Rotations
13.15: Lunch
14.30: Live Scanning and Workstation Rotations
14.45: Live Scanning and Workstation Rotations
17.05: Meeting Close
Click to download
CMR_Preliminary_Agenda.pdfMB, BCh, MRCP, FRCAP, FCSANZ
Dr John Younger is a Senior Staff Specialist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, and a senior lecturer with the University of Queensland. After completing cardiology training, John undertook a 2 year fellowship in British Heart Foundation Cardiac MRI Research Centre at Leeds University in the UK before returning to Australia to establish the cardiac CT and MRI programs at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.
He was a co-author of the CSANZ position statement on Calcium Scoring and the Position Statement on Initial Certification and Maintenance of Recognition for Cardiac MRI. He served as senior Cardiac Society representative on the Conjoint Committee for CT Coronary Angiography and he is the recent past president of ANZ-CMR.
Dr Arun Dahiya is a staff Cardiologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital as well as Logan hospital in Queensland, Australia. In additional he has an honorary staff cardiologist appointment at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
He completed his cardiology training at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland Australia in 2009. He returned to Brisbane, Australia from USA in 2012 after completing his two-year advanced cardiovascular imaging fellowship at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic, USA. He had experience of training as a cardiac imager in one of the busiest centre in USA (Cleveland Clinic). He is also an Associate Professor with Griffith University and is routinely teaching medical students. He has a special interest in multimodality cardiac imaging.