This Ultrasound bundle includes 11 courses:
Theory of Ultrasound Physics
This eLearning course is an introduction to sound, sound waves and how medical ultrasound works. The theory describes the different techniques and safety of ultrasound waves.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Practical Physics for Image Quality in Ultrasound Examination
This eLearning course is an introduction to sound, sound waves and how medical ultrasound works. The theory describes the different images resulting of different physique components.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Setting up for an OB Ultrasound Examination
This course introduces you to the basic set up for an ultrasound exam. That includes learning some of the technical knowledge you'll need in order to determine which approach is the best for your examination.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Performing the Mid Trimester Ultrasound Examination
This eLearning course in this curriculum focus on setting up for the obstetric ultrasound exam, getting started with the obstetric exam, recognizing the exam goals and workflow steps; using basic transabdominal obstetric scanning techniques; and assessing the normal maternal anatomy during a mid trimester ultrasound examination.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Performing the 1st Trimester Ultrasound Examination
In this course you will learn the exam goals and steps for a first trimester OB ultrasound examination using transabdominal scanning techniques. You will learn how to assess the normal maternal anatomy and the development of the embryo using ultrasound.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Mid Trimester Sonographic Appearance of Fetal Spine and Extremities
This course focuses on sonographic imagery, video and illustrations to aid in properly identifying normal fetal development of the fetal spine and extremities during the second and third trimesters.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Mid Trimester Sonographic Appearance of Head and Face
This module provides sonographic images, videos and illustrations for the normal anatomy of the fetal head and face in the second and third trimester.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Mid Trimester Sonographic Appearance of Thorax and Heart
This course provides sonographic images, videos and illustrations of the second and third trimester normal anatomy of the fetal thorax and heart and describe the process and workflow for the fetal heart scan.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Mid Trimester Sonographic Appearance of Abdomen and Pelvis
In this lesson you will take a close look at the anatomy of the fetal abdomen and pelvis. This will take you one step closer to performing a successful ultrasound.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Determining Gestational Age during the Mid Trimester Ultrasound Examination
This course focuses on dating and measurement techniques, which plays an important role in the determination of normal fetal development.
After completing this course you will be able to:
Lumify and Reacts Product Videos
In this course you will learn how to use the Lumify system and get familiar with the tele-ultrasound Reacts software that is available on the Lumify.
After completing this course you will be able to: